Greenwood Middle School

Summer Tennis Clinic

By Scott New | May 8, 2024 8:54 AM

Girls Tennis Clinics 2024.png

Greenwood High School Girls Summer Tennis Clinic Summer tennis clinic will be hosted at the GHS tennis courts for any incoming 9th through 12th grade girls. All dates are listed. There will be no rain make up days. For rain cancellations or any other updates please check our Twitter (X) page at @Gwood_Tennis. Clinic will be hosted by head coach Maecee Terhune and assistant coach Brittany Toney. All clinic times will be from 8-10am June 4th and 6th June 11th and 13th June 18th and 20th June 25th and 27th No clinic for moratorium week July 9th and 11th July 16th and 18th Contact: Maecee Terhune email: or phone: 317-851-0799 Brittany Toney email: or phone: 317-513-9759